New Haven Summer Bird Count: June 7 & 8 (Sat. & Sun.) 2014
Totals: 128 species, 8,565 individual birds. Forty observers in 18 Parties spent 139 party hours in the field. Since the Count was founded in 1991, 187 count day species have been confirmed here with the addition this year of Olive-sided Flycatcher.
Weather: 6/7– daytime: N/W winds shifting S/W, 0-10 mph, 60° to 76°F., clear, nighttime: S winds, 5 mph, partly cloudy. 6/8– N winds shifting S, 0-8 mph., 61° to 82°F., partly cloudy, nighttime: S/SW winds, 3 mph, 75° to 72°F., mostly cloudy.
Count (15-Mile diameter circle) Center: 41°18´N 72°56´W. Elevation: Sea level to 700 feet. Area covered: Branford (western), East Haven, Milford, New Haven, North Haven, Orange, West Haven, and Woodbridge (in part).
Can Goose 393, Brant 4, Mute Swan 67, Wood Duck 350, Gadwall 3, Am Black Duck 9, Mallard 135, MallardXBlack Duck 1, Com Goldeneye 1, Wild Turkey 20, Com Loon 1, Double-crested Cormorant 165, Least Bittern 1, Great-Blue Heron 36, Great Egret 28, Snowy Egret 12, Green Heron 8, Black-crowned Night Heron 17, Yellow-crowned Night Heron 3, Glossy Ibis 2, Black Vulture 17, Turkey Vulture 39, Osprey 91, Blad Eagle 4, Sharp-shinned Hawk 1, Cooper’s Hawk 3, Red-shouldered Hawk 13, Red-tailed Hawk 26, Peregrine Falcon 2, Clapper Rail 3, Virginia Rail 1, Semipalmated Plover 1, Piping Plover 12, Killdeer 16, Am Oystercatcher 11, Willet 14, Spotted Sandpiper 6, Ruddy Turnstone 1, Semipalmated Sandpiper 41, Ring-billed Gull 252, Herring Gull 282, Greater Black-backed Gull 42, Common Tern 24, Least Tern 71, Rock Pigeon 123, Mourning Dove 237, Monk Parakeet 41, Yellow-billed Cuckoo 21, Black-billed Cuckoo 10, Barred Owl 2, Com Nighthawk 2, Chimney Swift 117, RT Hummingbird 6, Belted Kingfisher 5, Red-Bellied Woodpecker 59, Downy Woodpecker 84, Hairy Woodpecker 16, N Flicker 54, Pileated Woodpecker 6, Olive-sided Flycatcher 1, E Wood-Pewee 76, Willow Flycatcher 47, E Phoebe 24, Great Crested Flycatcher 55, E Kingbird 44, Yellow-Throated Vireo 4, Warbling Vireo 111, Red-eyed Vireo 130, Blue Jay 129, American Crow 139, Fish Crow 14, Com Raven 6, Purple Martin 7, Tree Swallow 115, N Rough-winged Swallow 58, Cliff Swallow 16, Barn Swallow 163, Black-capped Chickadee 87, Tufted Titmouse 96, Red-breasted Nuthatch 5, White-breasted Nuthatch 33, Car Wren 21, House Wren 80, Winter Wren 2, Marsh Wren 52, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 5, E Bluebird 13, Veery 19, Wood Thrush 58, Am Robin 724, Gray Catbird 192, N Mockingbird 64, Brown Thrasher 1, Euro Starling 569, Cedar Waxwing 147, Blue-winged Warbler 22, Yellow Warbler 130, Magnolia Warbler 1, Black-throated Blue Warbler 1, Black-throated Green Warbler 3, Pine Warbler 31, Prairie Warbler 14, Black and White Warbler 38, Am Redstart 12, Worm-eating Warbler 28, Ovenbird 136, Louisiana Waterthrush 5, Com Yellowthroat 57, Hooded Warbler 1, Scarlet Tanager 46, E Towhee 24, Chipping Sparrow 81, Field Sparrow 5, Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow 1, Song Sparrow 193, N Cardinal 146, Blue Grosbeak 1, Rose Breasted Grosbeak 27, Indigo Bunting 47, Red-winged Blackbird 585, Com Grackle 384, Brown-headed Cowbird 72, Orchard Oriole 12, Baltimore Oriole 123, House Finch 66, Am Goldfinch 103, House Sparrow 204.
Participants: Marion Aimsbury, Ralph Amodel, Mark Aronson, Dan Barvir, Bill Batsford, Larry Bausher, Steve Broker, Gail Cameron, Cheryl Cape, Elena Coffey, Patrick Comins, John Farley, Mike Ferreri, Mike Horn, Laura Lawrence, Patrick Leahy, Mary Ann Lewis, Christ Loscalzo, Steve Mayo, Florence McBride, Pat McCrelless, Ann Meacham, Bob Mitchell, Mike O’Brien, John Oshlick, Frank Ragusa, Nancy Ragusa, Jason Rieger, Arne Rosengren, Dan Rotino, Lee Schlesinger, Mark Scott, Arthur Shippee, Nancy Specht, Charla Spector, Steve Spector, Deborah Tenney, Marianne Vahey, Lisa Wahle, and Paul Wolter.
For additional information including totals trends for our New Haven CBC, refer to the October 2014 of the COA’s Connecticut Warbler, Volume 34, No. 4.