Invitation to participate in a research study about bird identification!

The University of Toronto is looking for participants to complete a 15 minute online survey as part of a research study about the science of birding. The study is open to everyone interested in nature, regardless of background or experience. Participants can optionally enter a raffle draw for binoculars or a gift card.

Contribute to Neuroscience Research on Birding

“Bird with spots,” “woodpecker,” “female Northern Flicker.” What we perceive is shaped by our accumulated experience. Our neuroscience research group at University of Toronto studies learning about the natural world and is particularly interested in bird identification. We’ve published several papers on knowledge and perception in the area of bird ID and have ongoing projects examining neuroplasticity in the brains of birders.

We’re currently running a short online study that explores categorization for a variety of species, including many common to New England. The study is ~15 minutes and open to all, regardless of experience or background. A laptop/desktop is required (no mobile/tablet functionality). Participants can also enter a raffle– we’ll be giving away several pairs of binoculars or gift card equivalent. For background about this research area, check out this article, which mentions some of our past work.

Dr. Erik Wing, Research Fellow at the University of Toronto:

If you’re interested in participating, go to our website at or click on the graphic below.