New Haven Bird Club Annual Celebration
Thursday, May 9, 2024 6-10 PM
Amarante’s Sea Cliff, Grand Ballroom
62 Cove Street, New Haven, CT
$45/person: Dinner, Dessert, Cash Bar and Speaker
Mark Seth Lender
Close Encounters of the Extraordinary Kind

Mark Seth LenderJoin Mark Seth Lender, a renowned wildlife photographer and Explorer in Residence at Living on Earth, as he presents his extraordinary encounters with naively curious wild animals in the remote regions of the Antarctic Ocean.
Through his detailed photographs and captivating storytelling, Mark will showcase the remarkable behavior of penguins, giant petrels, and even a leopard seal that have approached and interacted with him, driven by their own curiosity rather than deliberate contact on his part.

penguinDon’t miss this opportunity to delve into the hidden world of wildlife through Mark’s lens and gain insights into the unique connections between humans and animals in the untouched landscapes of the Antarctic.

Advance Reservations Required – Deadline May 1st


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