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The Outer Cape (Eastham, Wellfleet, Truro, and Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts)
May 31, 2018 @ 8:00 am - June 4, 2018 @ 5:00 pm
This weekend of birding and fellowship is being made available to 15 club members by advance registration. Late spring birding on the Outer Cape always is productive. Our birding localities during the three-day period include Fort Hill (Eastham), Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary/Massachusetts Audubon Society, Wellfleet Harbor, the Herring River and Herring River Estuary, the kettle ponds and the dwarf oak forests off Ocean View Drive (Wellfleet), Head of the Meadow, Pilgrim Heights, and High Head (North Truro), and Foss Hill, the Beech Forest, Race Point, Herring Cove, and MacMillan Wharf (Provincetown). Our base of operations is “At Long Last”, the Broker cottage in Wellfleet. Lodging options are: (1) motel in Wellfleet – for suggestions contact the trip leader; (2) camping at the Broker yard near Long Pond, Wellfleet. Discuss tent/sleeping bag needs in advance.
home – 203-272-5192; Wellfleet H) 508-349-2806
cell – 203-747-6843