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Field Trip – Whip-poor-will Walk in Naugatuck State Forest, Naugatuck – Jack Swatt
May 9 @ 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Rain date: Saturday, May 10, 2025
Jack Swatt, New Haven Bird Club Life Member and Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) volunteer Whip-poor-will monitor, will lead a walk to listen and look for Whip-poor-will at the Naugatuck State Forest. Jack will give a short talk on the status of Whip-poor-wills in the Northeast and Connecticut. We will then wait for dusk to fall while we listen for the distinctive call. A sighting? Who knows! The walk is about a quarter mile’s easy walking but through field terrain during tick season and at night so a good flashlight is a must.
Meet at the parking lot at the end of Hunter’s Mountain Road, Naugatuck.
Leader: Jack Swatt,, 203-592-4686.