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Field Trip – Cheshire Hot Spots – Cheshire – Steve Broker & Melissa Baston
October 23, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
We bird several hotspots in the Town of Cheshire, including Broad Brook Reservoir, Boulder Knoll, and Fresh Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary (Cheshire Land Trust). Broad Brook Reservoir annually hosts 200-400 Ruddy Ducks in fall, one of the highest concentrations of this diving duck in the state. Boulder Knoll is good for sparrows at this time of year. Fresh Meadows offers a diversity of bird species through the year. Broad Brook Reservoir is level walking (100 yards) on leaf-covered paved road; Boulder Knoll is moderate walking (300 yards) on gravel road with some gradual slopes to navigate; Fresh Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary is level walking (500 yards) with water-resistant boots recommended. Meet at the Route 68 access to Broad Brook Reservoir, north side of the road. Parking is available at a safe pullout opposite the water company gate in the lowest section of Route 68. Look for our cars.
Leaders: Steve Broker, 203-747-6843 or;
Melissa Baston, 860-995-0656 or