Native Plant Trust, the nation’s first organization devoted to protecting native plants, is currently accepting applications for the Plant Conservation Volunteer (PCV program). The PCV program engages those passionate about native flora and conservation to monitor and protect roughly 25,000 rare plant populations throughout all of New England. We invite members of the New Haven Bird Club to...
Read MoreNew Haven County birdlist added to links
I have added the 2017 version of the New Haven County bird list to our links page. click here to go to the links page...
Read MoreResults for the Big Sit 2021 are in!
click here to go to the Big Sit website...
Read MoreThe Six annual Megabowl of Birding Update
See how the event will work this year. click here for details...
Read MoreHawk Watch Volunteer Counters Needed
The Lighthouse Point Park Hawk Watch in New Haven is one of the most important hawk migration sites in the eastern US — and New Haven Bird Club members have been counting hawks there for almost 50 years! This year Lighthouse Hawk Watch has an urgent need for volunteer counters. Please consider committing to enjoying a few days of...
Read MoreChickadee Tales has been published – Take a look!
With the work of many hands, The New Haven Bird Club has published “Chickadee Tales, A New Haven Bird Club Anthology” Click here to find out more about our wonderful book....
Read MoreA New Book by a NHBC Member
NHBC is pleased to spotlight Summer Birds of Percé: A Tourist’s Guide by Life Member David O. Hill. Percé is a small village at the eastern end of the Gaspé Peninsula, Québec. It is world famous for its iconic pierced rock (Rocher Percé) and nearby Bonaventure Island – home to the largest Northern Gannet colony in this hemisphere, along...
Read MoreSummer Bird Count 2021
Please join us for this fun weekend of seeing and hearing what birds are resident in greater New Haven click here for details...
Read MorePassing of Arne Rosengren
Reflections from Flo McBride – The CT birding community will want to join me and the other members of the New Haven Bird Club in remembering with affection and admiration Arne Rosengren, who passed away peacefully on May 10, at the age of 99. I’m collecting memories of Arne to put together for the club, and hope that people...
Read MoreRhode Island Coast Field Trip Report
Rain on Saturday, February 27th prompted us to postpone our trip to the Rhode Island Coast to the following day. That turned out to be a good decision. Sunday, the 28th was a calm and cloudy day that made for good birding and sea-watching. We met at Beavertail State Park in Jamestown at 8:30 am. The first birds we...
Read MoreMega Bowl of Birding in CT Summary
The 5th annual Mega Bowl of Birding, held on Saturday, February 6th, 2021, was a great success. Due to the pandemic, we modified the format of the Mega Bowl such that birders could go birding alone or in a small group and in whatever county they wanted. And, we replaced the compilation dinner with a Zoom meeting, held the...
Read MoreResults from the 2020 Christmas Bird Count
121st Annual New Haven Christmas Bird Count Summary The participants in this year’s New Haven Christmas Bird Count faced many challenges. The most serious one was conducting the annual survey during a global pandemic. COVID-19 prompted us to modify the way in which we conducted our surveys: we eschewed carpooling and maintained safe social distancing while birding. And,...
Read MoreJanuary Indoor Meeting – Al Batt – What are you looking at???
Due to Covid-19 the January 14th Indoor meeting will not be a member’s night but we will have a Zoom – speaker. Click here for details...
Read MoreUpdate on the New Haven Christmas Count – 2020
The 121st annual New Haven Christmas Bird Count will be held on Saturday, December 19th, 2020. There will be a few modifications to this year’s Count in order to ensure the health and safety of the participants in light of the Coronavirus pandemic. Participants are advised to avoid carpooling and to maintain social distancing and facial covering protocols while...
Read MoreImportant Announcement from the Outdoor Program Chair
Important Announcement Regarding New Haven Bird Club Outdoor Programs in 2020-2021 The New Haven Bird Club needs to take precautions to make our Outdoor Trips safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the State of Connecticut is doing well and there are some more lenient guidelines for outdoor gatherings, we feel that the walking format of our events will make...
Read MoreFlo McBride publishes a book on the Yale Peabody collection “The Birds of Connecticut”
The following article appeared in the Birding Community E-Bulletin, Reprinted with permission.” Florence McBride has created two books to celebrate the “Birds ofConnecticut” exhibit at Yale’s Peabody Museum of Natural History. Theexhibit itself originally featured the brilliant taxidermist work ofDavid H. Parsons, who spent years preparing the mounts, revealing thebirds in natural positions and illustrating behavior as well...
Read MoreA Message from our Club President on Covid-19
Please see below an important message from DeWitt Allen, the President of the New Haven Bird Club: 1) In light of the Covid-19 pandemic and state and local orders for reducing its spread through social distancing, the New Haven Bird Club is canceling all events through June 30, 2020. This will include all scheduled field trips and walks, indoor...
Read MoreEdgewood Park, New Haven Bird Club and Bill Batsford get great publicity
The New Haven Independent sent a reporter to the NHBC walk led by Bill Batsford in Edgewood Park on Saturday, September 28, 2019. The reporter stayed for the entire walk taking notes and photographs. Here is a link to his story:
Read MoreOpportunity to Mentor Young Science Students
New Haven Science Fair Mentors Needed! Time commitment: 4-6 months, 1hr/week Through the New Haven Science Fair program, we aim to improve science education for grades Pre-K through 12. As a mentor, you will have the opportunity to help teachers and students create great science projects! Your time commitment for the program is usually around 1hr/week, but we can work with...
Read MoreNewsletters are all archived on Webpage
This is a note to let you know you can retrieve old and current newsletters on the web. I have add a number of historical ones from the last few years with the help of our editor, Donna Batsford. I will post the new ones as soon as they are published so that you can read them and not...
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