Field Trips and Meetings
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March Monthly Meeting

Whitney Center, Cultural Arts Center 200 Leeder Hill Drive, Hamden, CT, United States

Thursday, March 13, 2014- Alejandro Rico-Guevara – “Hummingbird Feeding Mechanics: Implications of Ecology and Evolution” Every animal on earth faces a great challenge every day: It has to find enough food to survive but also because the amount of energy obtained will determine the outcomes of every task it undertakes, from growing to reproducing. In the wild, resources are limited

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Gull and Gannet Frenzy – Stratford Seawall

We'll look through potentially thousands of gulls and see dozens of Gannets too as they feast on an annual plankton bloom along the coast. Meet at Lordship Seawall at south end of Washington Pkwy(near Marnick's Restaurant, 10 Washington Pkwy), Stratford

1st Wednesday Walk – CT Audubon Coastal Center

Join us on this early spring trip to one of best local birding spots. We'll look out into the marsh and along the shore for waterfowl, shorebirds, waders, and raptors. Meet at the coastal center parking lot. Leader: Steven Spector. Contact person: Tina Green: 203-247-2660 or

April Monthly Meeting

Whitney Center, Cultural Arts Center 200 Leeder Hill Drive, Hamden, CT, United States

Thursday, April 10, 2014 – Steve Broker – “Ravens at Their Nest” The Common Raven extended its breeding range into CT in the late 1980s, and it now can be found throughout the state. A breeding pair has been observed closely at West Rock Ridge in Woodbridge since discovery of the nest in 2003. Tonight Steve will discuss raven life

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East Rock Park – Trail Mainentence

Meet at the Eli Whitney Museum parking lot for a bird walk from 8 - 9:30. Then join Park Ranger Dan Barvir to help with light trail maintenance along the river till noon. Bring pruning shears, work gloves, if you have them. Leader: Dan Barvir: 203-946-6086.

Beginner’s Walk – Milford Point IBA

The Charles E. Wheeler Marsh at the mouth of the Housatonic River provides valuable foraging habitat for Great and Snowy Egrets nesting on nearby Charles Island. Today we will focus on long-legged waders and their habitat needs. This walk is geared to beginners but birders of all levels are invited. Families are welcome. Birders with more advanced skills can enjoy

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West Rock Ridge State Park

We focus on just two breeding species for this trip to West Rock Ridge: Peregrine Falcon and Common Raven. A pair of Pereg- rine Falcons selected West Rock as their home base in 1999, thereby becoming one of the first breeding pairs in CT in the post-DDT era. Since then, 5 different females and 5 different males (tiercels) have occupied

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Richard English Memorial Trip – Lighthouse Point to English Refuge

Meet at the Lighthouse Point Park hawk watch parking lot and bird the harbor shore for gulls, loons, ducks, and shorebirds. We will then go to the Richard English Bird Sanctuary on Deer Lake in Killingworth. We finish our birding tour with a visit to Hammonasset State Park. This is an all-day trip; bring lunch and dress warmly. Leader: Mike

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Ansonia Nature Center

Enjoy a walk at this fine birding location. The nature center has a small pond, grassy fields, thickets, wetlands, and woods. The woods have had Northern Goshawk and Great Horned Owls nesting there and there are often surprises. Meet at the nature center parking lot on Deerfield Lane (off Benz Road.) in Ansonia.

Lake Chamberlain – President’s Walk

Join current club president Bill Batsford to check out this excel- lent birding area. Lake Chamberlain, a Regional Water Authority property, is surrounded by coniferous forest and it has open fields and thickets. Early spring migrants likely to be seen are Palm and Pine Warblers, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Eastern Phoebe, and Blue-headed Vireo. Bluebirds and Tree Swallows nest in bird houses.

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Family Walk – East Rock Park

On this walk by the park's Mill River, children, accompanied by adults, will search for warblers and other spring migrants. Other interested adults are also welcome to join the walk in this famous spring birding site. Meet at the Eli Whitney Museum parking lot. Bring binoculars and a field guide if you have them. Leader: Florence McBride: 203 -288-6777 or

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East Rock Park – Garlic Mustard Pull

Dan's bird walk will end around 11:30, and after a lunch break, we will get to work pulling garlic mustard in a heavily infested area of the park. This invasive plant is a pernicious, prolific pest that can overrun forested areas, squeeze out native spring flowers, kill butterfly caterpillars, and alter the habitat of our native birds. The rampant growth

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Bent of the River IBA

Explore a prime birding location along the Pomperaug River in Southbury where more than 100 species of birds have been observed in a single day. This beautiful and highly diverse habitat is owned and maintained by the National Audubon Socie- ty. Take Exit 14 off Rte. 84. Go north on Rte. 172 , then turn left onto East Flat Hill

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East Rock Park

Join Ranger Dan Barvir at this premier site for warblers and other spring migrants. We will meet at the Rice Field (baseball field) end of East Rock Park on English Drive. Leader: Ranger Dan Barvir: 203-946-6086.

1st Wednesday Walk – East Rock Park

East Rock Park in early May is one of the best places in the state to see migrant warblers. Fifteen to twenty species are possible on a good day. Meet at the covered bridge near the Eli Whitney Museum. Leaders: Renee Baade, Frank Mantlik, and John Oshlick. Contact person: Tina Green: 203-247-2660 or

May Monthly Meeting – Annual Banquet

Annual Banquet – Thursday, May 8, 2014 – 6:00 pm – Amarante’s Restaurant, New Haven Don’t miss this great event-always great company, great food, and a great program. Reservations required; watch the spring newsletter, Club emails, and the Club website for details and reservation forms. Early reservations are greatly appreciated!  Please remember to bring cash to the banquet to pay

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Big Day Marathon

Take part in all or part of this event. We'll focus on New Haven area hotspots, seeking 100-130 species. We start at East Rock and search several other local migrant traps, as well as the coast from Lordship to Hammonasset. Meet at the Eli Whitney Museum parking lot at 6:00 or 7:30 am. Leader: John Oshlick: 203-891-5344 or

Naugatuck State Forest

Join us at the peak of spring migration on this moderately strenuous and long hike in a fine birding location. We'll search for migrants and residents. The mixed hardwood forest is a good lo- cation for Hooded and Worm-eating Warblers and many other species. Last year on this trip we saw 15 warbler species and heard a hooting Barred Owl

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Nehantic State Forest

Today we explore two prime birding locations in Lyme. Nehantic State Forest, a 1,200-acre woodland, is home to Hooded and Worm-eating Warblers and many other species. There are large ponds where you can find Wood Ducks, herons, flycatchers and other species. Nearby Hartman's Park is known for its breeding population of Cerulean Warblers. Meet at at 6:30 at commuter lot

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Barn Island WMA

This will be our tenth annual trip to this excellent birding spot. We'll meet at the commuter lot at Exit 55 of I-95 and carpool to Barn Island which consists of large expanses of salt marsh, tidal pools, wetlands, woodlands, and open fields. We should see wading birds, shorebirds, and area residents such as Saltmarsh Sparrow, Marsh Wren, White-eyed Vireo,

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1st Wednesday Walk – White Memorial Foundation

White Memorial Foundation is a 4,000-acre nature preserve with extensive woodlands, conifer plantations, wetlands, thickets, and fields The preserve is home to more than 115 breeding species and is visited by many migrant species. Notable breeding species include: Least Bittern, Virginia Rail, Northern Goshawk, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Brown Creeper, Winter Wren, and Blackburnian Warbler. Meet at the visitor center parking lot

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Summer Bird Count

Outdoor Walk

This is a wonderful opportunity to work on your song identification skills and see what birds are nesting in your area. For the names of area captains and other information, contact leader Steve Mayo: 203-393-0694 or

Trails Day Hike – Naugatuck State Forest

National Trails Day is celebrated across the country with hikes, trail work, and naturalist events. NHBC will commemorate the event with a birding hike on the oldest hiking trail in CT, the Quinnipiac Trail. We'll leave from the Downes Rd. parking area entrance of Naugatuck SP and go through the mountain laurel, beech, birch, hickory and oak forest; then up

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Beginner’s Walk – Bent of the River IBA

The Bent of the River Audubon Sanctuary provides a breadth of habitat for bird species, from forests to riparian areas to shrubby meadows. On this walk we'll look for nesting shrubland birds, including Blue-winged Warbler, Prairie Warbler, Field Sparrow and Indigo Bunting. Shrubby meadows are uncommon in CT so it's a special treat to see and hear these species. This

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Beginners’ Bird Walk at Sandy Point IBA, West Haven

Note: This is an evening walk On our walk to this Important Bird Area (IBA), we will focus on beach-nesting birds, such as the Piping Plover, and other shore- birds that use Sandy Point to rest and refuel during migration. Participants will also learn about threats to beach-nesting birds as well as strategies for protecting them. This walk is geared to

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Menunketesuck Flats and River Marsh, Westbrook

Enjoy an excursion on the beach!  We will walk along Seaside Avenue in Westbrook and out onto Menunketesuck Flats at low tide to look for shorebirds, terns, and other water birds.  The mud flats at low tide are a great place to see shorebirds. We’ll then visit the Salt Meadow Unit of the Stewart B. McKinney National  Wildlife Refuge to

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Lighthouse Point Bird Walk and Prep for Migration Festival

Join Park Ranger Dan Barvir on a late summer bird walk at Lighthouse Point Park on New Haven Harbor.  Then, beginning around 9:30 am, we’ll perform some light trail maintenance and cleanup.  This is a great way to enjoy looking at birds and help preserve their habitat at the same time. Meet at the Hawk Watch parking lot in the

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Daily Hawk Watch at Lighthouse Point

Lighthouse Point on New Haven Harbor is one of the premier locations in southern New England for observing migrating raptors, as well as a wide variety of songbirds. The watch starts daily at 7:00 am and continues as long as the hawks keep flying.  Stop by anytime. Coordinator: Steve Mayo: 203-393-0694 or

First Wednesday Walk: CT Audubon Coastal Center, Milford

Today we head for this excellent birding location to look for shorebirds and terns. We should also find raptors, waterfowl, long-legged waders, and migrating passerines. Ten or more species of shorebirds are possible, including American Golden Plover.  Leader: Renee Baade.  Contact: Tina Green: 203-247-2660

Indoor Program – Ken Elkins -Under Cover of Darkness: Observing Nocturnal Bird Migration

Whitney Center, Cultural Arts Center 200 Leeder Hill Drive, Hamden, CT, United States

Note: this meeting will be in the 6th floor conference room at the Whitney Center.  There will be people at the normal entrance to show you the way.  You don’t need to halt your birding adventures just because it gets dark outside. Discover the wonderful world of nocturnal bird migration. Just after sunset every fall, millions of birds take off

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