Field Trips and Meetings
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Barn Island Wildlife Management Area, Stonington- Cancelled

commuter lot rt 95 at exit 57 Guilford Commuter Lot, 1691-1749 Boston Post Rd, Guilford, CT 06437, Guilford, CT, United States

This will be our 15th annual trip to this excellent birding spot. We’ll meet at the commuter lot at Exit 57 off I-95 and carpool to Barn Island. The area consists of large expanses of salt marsh, tidal pools, wetlands, woodlands, and open fields. We should see wading birds, shorebirds, and area residents such as Saltmarsh Sparrow, Marsh Wren, White-eyed

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Julius M. Hansen Park, North Haven- Cancelled

Julius M. Hansen Park 53 Patten road, North Haven, United States

With its rich meadows and fields, forested wetlands, traprock ridge, and riparian woods this park holds promise of becoming a prominent birding destination for the Club. We will meet at the parking lot on Patten Road. From exit 12 off Interstate 91, turn left onto Blakeslee Avenue and follow it until it ends at Bassett Road. Take a right at

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First Wednesday Walk: White Memorial Foundation, Litchfield- Cancelled

White Memorial Foundation 80 Whitehall Road, Litchfield, CT, United States

Note: this walk was listed as Mohawk Mountain State Park in the Yearbook.  It has been changed to White Memorial Foundation. The White Memorial Foundation is a 4,000 – acre nature preserve with extensive woodlands, conifer plantations, wetlands, thickets, and fields. The preserve is home to more than 115 breeding species and is visited by many migrants. Notable breeding species

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Whip-poor-will Walk in Naugatuck State Forest, Naugatuck- Cancelled

Naugatuck State Forest 1021 Hunters Mountain Road, Naugatuck, CT, United States

Jack Swatt, New Haven Bird Club member and DEEP volunteer Whip-poor-will monitor, will lead a walk to listen and look for Whip-poor-will at the Naugatuck State Forest. Jack will give a short talk on the status of Whip-poor-wills in the northeast and Connecticut. We will then wait for dusk to fall while we listen for the distinctive call. A sighting?

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Connecticut Trails Days- Cancelled

Find a trail and hike it this weekend! Connecticut Trails Day is organized and produced by Connecticut Forest & Park Association. NHBC sponsors hikes along the West River in New Haven on both days (Pond Lily Preserve, Edgewood Park, and West River Memorial Park), in cooperation with the West River Watershed Coalition and the Connecticut Fund for the Environment. Details

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New Haven Summer Bird Count – New Haven Count Circle- Cancelled

This is a wonderful opportunity to work on your song identification skills and see what birds are nesting in your area. For the names of area captains and other information, contact leader Steve Mayo. Meet at various points. Leader: Steve Mayo, 203-393-0694 or

Osprey Open Day – West River Memorial Park, New Haven- Cancelled

west river memorial park parking lot rt 34 and ella t grasso blvd, new haven, CT, United States

The West River Memorial Park is a designated IBA (Important Bird Area) and is part of the New Haven Harbor Urban Refuge Partnership. The Urban Oasis here improves annually, and the Osprey platform has been active with the same male-female pair for many years. By this time in June, the chicks will have hatched and be visible on the nest,

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CT Bird Atlas Block Busting Event- Cancelled

The location of the block(s) will be announced a few weeks prior to the event. You are invited to join the New Haven Bird Club as we lead a field trip to observe and document breeding bird activity in Connecticut Atlas blocks that are not being covered by a Block adopter. We will travel to one of the more remote

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Long Wharf Nature Preserve and Urban Oasis, New Haven- Cancelled

Long Wharf Nature Preserve long wharf nature preserve, New Haven, CT, United States

This will be our fourth trip to this evolving and ever-improving site in the heart of downtown New Haven. An environmentally-focused family-friendly late afternoon walk on a falling tide as the shorebird migration gets under way. We’ll begin with a one-mile walk along the trail to the urban oasis and circle to the harbor, traveling through three separate ecosystems as

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Chris Wood – “Rays of the Sun” – A Hummingbird Sampler

Virtual Meeting

Called “rays of the sun (huitzitzil)” by the Aztecs, who also thought them reincarnations of brave warriors, hummingbirds have long captured imaginations and affection for their colors, boldness, and diversity. Wood has travelled to several neotropical regions and the southwestern United States, in addition to our own backyard in Connecticut, collecting observations and photographs of nearly 100 different hummingbirds. He

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Annual Migration Festival, Lighthouse Point Park, New Haven

Lighthouse Point 21 Lighthouse Rd, New Haven, CT, United States

This festive event is sponsored by the New Haven Department of Parks, Recreation and Trees (NHDPRT), the New Haven Bird Club, and other fine organizations. Depending on coronavirus restrictions and safety precautions, there may be hawk watching, bird banding, live raptor demonstrations, bird walks, and more. Check the NHDPRT and NHBC websites for current information. Meet at Lighthouse Point Park,

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Edgewood Park, New Haven – Bill Batsford

Edgewood Park 361 West Rock Ave, New Haven, CT, United States

Edgewood Park and West River Memorial Park make up an Important Bird Area and include a two mile section of the West River. These parks look particularly “hot” on the radar maps for New Haven that show which areas are most used by birds in fall migration. The walking is easy and flat and includes one dirt path through a

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Fresh Meadows, Cheshire Land Trust – Corrie Folsom-O’Keefe

Cheshire Land Trust’s Fresh Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary includes a variety of habitats that appeal to a wide variety of bird species looking for a place to rest and refuel on their southbound migration. With conifer groves, deciduous woodlands, and meadows, all located along the Mill River, it’s worth a visit. Expect a 1–2 mile walk on mostly level ground. Do

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Yale University Golf Course – Bill Batsford

Yale Golf Course the course at yale, New Haven, CT, United States

The golf course is located on more than 700 acres, with woods and ponds surrounding the course. It’s a great place to see birds year-round. We’ll be visiting the course when there are no golfers, so we’ll be able to walk the cart paths and wooded trails without being disturbed or disturbing others. We’ll be looking for fall migrants such

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First Wednesday Walk – Lighthouse Point – Frank Gallo

Lighthouse Point 21 Lighthouse Rd, New Haven, CT, United States

Join us on a visit to this premier local birding location, renowned for its migrating raptors and passerines. If the weather conditions are favorable, we may see hundreds of hawks in flight over the park. Meet at the Hawk Watch parking lot, Lighthouse Point Park, 2 Lighthouse Road, New Haven. Leader: Frank Gallo, 203-644-2163 or Follow all Covid precautions. Preregistration capped

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Gina Nichol – Japan in Winter

Virtual Meeting

The winter wildlife of Japan offers a number of spectacles unmatched in the wild! Tens of thousands of cranes of at least five species can be seen feeding on snowy fields or flying in to roost against the backdrop of glorious sunsets in Kagoshima. The famous dancing Red-crowned Cranes are in full performance in Kushiro. Snow Monkeys (Japanese Macaques) frolic

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THE BIG SIT!®, established by the NHBC, has become an international event, with birders from all over the world participating. The object is to record as many species of birds as possible in one day from one 17-foot diameter circle. Local circles are at a number of birding hot spots throughout Connecticut. Join other birders in one of the established

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Hammonasett Beach State Park , Madison – Bill Batsford

Shoreline Greenway Trail Eastern Trailhead Parking Lot - Hammo Shoreline Greenway Trail Eastern Trailhead Parking Lot, Madison, CT, United States

Visit one of our state’s best fall birding spots, where the abundance of some migrants and sightings of less common species can make for a truly memorable trip. The walking is easy, all on level ground. Meet outside the park at the Shoreline Greenway Trail parking lot on Boston Post Road. Directions: Take Exit 62 off I-95. At the end

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Fall Birds and Foliage along the West River – Pat Leahy

Lake Bethany 179 hatfield hill road, Bethany, ct

  Join a fall walk to see what can be found at these picturesque locations. The group will explore trails at Lake Bethany then proceed to properties not open to the public, Lake Watrous and Lake Dawson. Fall Migrants should be working their way through the area and the scenery will be breathtaking. Walking is not strenuous and is on well maintained trails. Meet at

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Cheshire Hotspots – Steve Broker & Melissa Baston

boulder knoll farm 875 boulder road, cheshire, CT, United States

We bird several hotspots in the Town of Cheshire, including Broad Brook Reservoir, Boulder Knoll, and Fresh Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary (Cheshire Land Trust). Broad Brook Reservoir annually hosts 200-400 Ruddy Ducks in fall, one of the highest concentrations of this diving duck in the state. Boulder Knoll is good for sparrows at this time of year. Fresh Meadows offers a

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Fargeorge Preserve, New Haven – Mike Horn

Fargeorge Preserve 1040 Quinnipiac ave, New Haven, CT, United States

Fargeorge Preserve is always full of surprises. We have had everything from woodcock to eagles to Snow Geese, lots of fall migrants, wintering ducks and more. It is a varied habitat with excellent views of the lower Quinnipiac River. Walking is on flat surfaces. From Route 80, go south on Quinnipiac Avenue. Make a right just past the railroad overpass. Go

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First Wednesday – Sherwood Island State Park, Westport – Tina Green

Join a midweek trip to this outstanding Long Island Sound birding spot. We check for loons, grebes, goldeneye, and other sea ducks. The fields are a good place to look for Snow Buntings, Horned Larks, and sparrows. Meet at Sherwood Island State Park: take Exit 18 off I-95 in Westport and head south on the Sherwood Island Connector. Drive into the

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Lake Hammonasset- John Triana

Lake Hammonasset Recreational Area Killingsworth, connecticut

Join us for a vigorous walk around Lake Hammonasset in search of fall birds. The walk will be a loop of the entire lake. The terrain is easy to moderate, but there are plenty of uneven surfaces, so wear sturdy shoes. Meet at the Lake Hammonasset recreation parking lot on Route 80 in Killingworth. Leader: John Triana, 203-430-2473 or Follow all Covid

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Kristi Dranginis Identify Any Bird Anywhere – In 8 Easy Lessons

Virtual Meeting

Kristi Dranginis is the founder of Bird Mentor, a resource for live and online courses helping people worldwide build confidence learning about birds and the natural world. Through her courses, students are immersed in the principles of instinctive birding, deep nature connection, bird language, and her innovative model for advanced bird identification. She recently published a book entitled Identify Any

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Mary Ellen Lemay Pollinator Pathways and The Green Corridor: Improving Biodiversity on Protected Land in Our Own Yards

Virtual Meeting

Join us for an evening with Mary Ellen Lemay, Landowner Engagement Director for the Aspetuck Land Trust and Pollinator Pathway Facilitator for the Hudson to Housatonic partner network. With over 85 towns in CT and NY in various stages of launching Pollinator Pathways, this landowner-outreach strategy has taken the region by storm in only two years. By planting natives, avoiding

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First Wednesday Walk: Sherwood Island State Park, Westport – Tina Green

Sherwood Island State Park 390 Sherwood Island Connector, Main parking lot, Westport, CT, United States

Join a midweek trip to this outstanding Long Island Sound birding spot. We check for loons, grebes, goldeneye, and other sea ducks. The fields are a good place to look for Snow Buntings, Horned Larks, and sparrows. Meet at Sherwood Island State Park: take Exit 18 off I-95 in Westport and head south on the Sherwood Island Connector. Drive into

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Al Batt – What are you looking at???

Virtual Meeting

Join us for an evening with Al Batt, Bird Watcher's Digest's beloved humor columnist who will be speaking about "spark birds."  What is your spark bird? Did a little birdie tell you to watch it or it would treat you like a statue in the park, did a penguin singing like a winter wren fly over your head,  or did

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First Wednesday Walk: Hammonasset State Park, Madison – Greg Hanisek

Shoreline Greenway Trail Eastern Trailhead Parking Lot - Hammo Shoreline Greenway Trail Eastern Trailhead Parking Lot, Madison, CT, United States

Enjoy a mid-week field trip to Hammonasset Beach State Park, one of the state’s best birding locations in any season of the year. We will look for sea ducks, grassland species, and rarities. Meet outside the park at the Shoreline Greenway Trail parking lot on Boston Post Road. Directions: Take Exit 62 off I-95. At the end of the connector

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2021 Mega Bowl of Birding!

THE MEGA BOWL OF BIRDING IN 2021! The Mega Bowl is a fun and friendly activity that celebrates birds, birders, and birding!  Participants go birding alone or in small groups in the CT county of their choice, trying to observe as many species as they can.  Birders are awarded points for seeing each species observed, with a range of 1

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Dr. Sean Williams – Redpoll Identification and Biology

Virtual Meeting

Join us for an evening with Dr. Sean Williams, professor of Behavior, Ecology, and Ornithology at College of the Holy Cross, as he discusses his most recent research  Variation in seed availability of the boreal forests drives variation in redpoll abundance in New England winters. In some years, redpolls "irrupt" into southern New England, allowing for unique opportunities to study them.

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Sparrows and Speculaas, White Memorial Foundation, Litchfield – Corrie Folsom-O’Keefe

White Memorial Foundation 80 Whitehall Road, Litchfield, CT, United States

White Memorial Foundation is a 4,000 acre nature preserve. The diverse mixture of habitats includes mature deciduous and evergreen forests, as well as fields of tall grass, weeds, and shrubs that are managed for various stages of succession. As one of the best birding sites in the state and an Important Bird Area, White Memorial Foundation has approximately 35 miles

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Sachuest Point NWR and Rhode Island Coast – Chris Loscalzo

commuter lot rt 95 at exit 57 Guilford Commuter Lot, 1691-1749 Boston Post Rd, Guilford, CT 06437, Guilford, CT, United States

This all-day trip includes stops at Sachuest Point NWR, Beavertail State Park, Moonstone Beach, Trustum Pond, and other great birding sites on the Rhode Island coast. We will see lots of sea ducks including all three scoter species, Common Eider, and Harlequin Duck. We’ll look for birds of prey, including Rough-legged Hawk and several owl species. We’ll also be on

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Kevin Powers – Shearwaters

Virtual Meeting

Kevin Powers, steward at Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary in Massachusetts, will provide an update on shearwater migration and research on coastal birds.

Maureen Heidtmann Bats: Their Lives and Lore – LIVE ANIMALS

Virtual Meeting

Join us for an evening with Maureen Heidtmann, Master Wildlife Conservationist, for an overview of bats of the world with an emphasis on our local species. She will cover the persisting myths and misconceptions about these fascinating creatures, the many roles bats play to ensure a healthy planet, and the perils bats face in their struggle for survival. She also

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New Haven Summer Bird Count 2021

This is a wonderful opportunity to work on your song identification skills and see what birds are nesting in your area. For the names of area captains and other information, contact Steve Mayo. Meet at various points. Steve Mayo, Coordinator, 203-551-1707 or

Field Trip – Shorebirds and Terns at Milford Point – Frank Mantlik

Milford Point 1 Milford Point Road, Milford, CT, United States

We’ll walk out on the sandbar at near high tide to see the variety of shorebirds and terns, which will begin feeding as the tide falls. We’ll also check the Coastal Center grounds for songbirds. Beach walking is involved. Meet at the Connecticut Audubon Coastal Center, 1 Milford Point Road, Milford. Leader: Frank Mantlik, 203-984-9410 or

First Wednesday Field Trip – CT Audubon Coastal Center, Milford – Milan Bull

Milford Point 1 Milford Point Road, Milford, CT, United States

Due to the unfortunate behavior of some people at Milford Point the Connecticut Audubon has decided to suspend group trips at Milford point until after breeding and fledgling is done.  This trip has been cancelled. Join us as we look for shorebirds and terns at this excellent local birding location. We should also find raptors, waterfowl, long-legged waders, and migrating

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Dr. Carla Dove Forensic Ornithology: When Birds Collide – Examining Feather Clues to Solve Birdstrike Mysteries

Virtual Meeting

Virtual meeting Each year bird-aircraft collisions (birdstrikes) cause millions of dollars in damage to both civil and military aviation. The Smithsonian’s Feather Identification Lab identifies over 10,000 birdstrike cases annually using microscopy, DNA, and the vast research collections housed at the National Museum of Natural History. Knowing the species of birds that cause damage is a fundamental step in birdstrike

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Field Trip – Great Meadows Unit, Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge – Corrie Folsom-O’Keefe

Great Meadows Stratford 498 Long Beach Blvd, Stratford, CT

The salt marshes of Connecticut express muted hues of gold and russet in autumn. These colors are the backdrop for the early fall migration. Come visit one of the state's largest salt marshes to observe Palm Warblers, wading birds, shorebirds, migrating sparrows and swallows, Merlins and Northern Harriers. Leaders Corrie Folsom-O'Keefe, Director of Bird Conservation for Audubon Connecticut, and Kris

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Field Trip – Edgewood Park, New Haven – Bill Batsford

Edgewood Park 361 West Rock Ave, New Haven, CT, United States

Edgewood Park and West River Memorial Park make up an Important Bird Area and include a two mile section of the West River. These parks look particularly “hot” on the radar maps for New Haven that show which areas are most used by birds in fall migration. The walking is easy and flat and includes one dirt path through a

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Field Trip – Fresh Meadows Land Trust – Corrie Folsom-O’Keefe

Fresh Meadows Preserve corner of cook hill road and corliss lane, cheshire

Cheshire Land Trust’s Fresh Meadows Preserve includes a variety of habitats that appeal to a wide variety of bird species looking for a place to rest and refuel on their southbound migration. With conifer groves, deciduous woodlands, and meadows, all located along the Mill River, it’s worth a visit. Expect a 1-2 mile walk on mostly level ground. Do wear

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First Wednesday Field Trip – Lighthouse Park – Frank Gallo

Lighthouse Point 21 Lighthouse Rd, New Haven, CT, United States

Join us on a visit to this premier local birding location, renowned for its migrating raptors and passerines. If the weather conditions are favorable, we may see hundreds of hawks in flight over the park. Meet at the Hawk Watch parking lot, Lighthouse Point Park, 2 Lighthouse Road, New Haven. Leader: Frank Gallo, 203-644-2163 or

Bird Count – The Big Sit®

THE BIG SIT!,® established by the NHBC, has become an international event, with birders from all over the world participating. The object is to record as many species of birds as possible in one day from a 17-foot diameter circle. There are local circles at a number of birding hot spots throughout Connecticut. Join other birders in one of the

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Field Trip – Hammonasset Beach State Park, Madison – Bill Batsford

Shoreline Greenway Trail Eastern Trailhead Parking Lot - Hammo Shoreline Greenway Trail Eastern Trailhead Parking Lot, Madison, CT, United States

Visit one of our state’s best fall birding spots, where the abundance of some migrants and sightings of less common species can make for a truly memorable trip. The walking is easy, all on level ground. Meet outside the park at the parking lot on Boston Post Road. Directions: Take Exit 62 off I-95. At the end of the connector

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Dr. Connor Wood – From Spotted Owls to cell phones: the future of acoustic monitoring

Virtual Meeting

Low-cost audio recording hardware and high-performance sound analysis software have opened up new frontiers in bird conservation. Dr. Connor Wood of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics traces his own involvement in the field of bioacoustics from the development of a new paradigm in Spotted Owl population monitoring and its evolution towards a program

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Field Trip – Cheshire Hotspots – Steve Broker & Melissa Baston

We bird several hotspots in the Town of Cheshire, including Broad Brook Reservoir, Boulder Knoll, and Fresh Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary (Cheshire Land Trust). Broad Brook Reservoir annually hosts 200-400 Ruddy Ducks in fall, one of the highest concentrations of this diving duck in the state. Boulder Knoll is good for sparrows at this time of year. Fresh Meadows offers a

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Field trip – Fargeorge Preserve, New Haven – Mike Horn

Fargeorge Preserve 1040 Quinnipiac ave, New Haven, CT, United States

This walk has been canceled due to Inclement Weather Forecast Fargeorge Preserve is always full of surprises. We have had everything from woodcock to eagles to Snow Geese, lots of fall migrants, wintering ducks, and more. It is a varied habitat with excellent view of the lower Quinnipiac River. Walking is on flat surfaces. Go South on Quinnipiac Avenue from

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Field Trip – Branford Suply Ponds – Maria Stockmal

Branford Supply Ponds Branford Supply ponds, Branford, CT, United States

This a good time to look for late spring migrants and early winter migrants. There can be quite a mix seeing Baltimore Oriole, Pine Warbler, American Coot, Common Raven, Winter Wren, Fox Sparrow, and Red Shouldered Hawk. The Supply Ponds boast two generous ponds, a forest area, and a power-line cut. The forest has been damaged by severe storms in

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