Field Trips and Meetings
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Field Trip – Cheshire Hotspots – Melissa Baston

Broad Brook Reservoir, Cheshire 689-739 CT-68, Cheshire, CT, United States

A new addition to the calendar! Join us for an early spring exploration of several birding hotspots in Cheshire. We’ll begin at Broad Brook Reservoir to check for waterfowl, along with overwintering songbirds and raptors and possible early arriving migrants around the reservoir. Other locations may include Riverbound Farm Sanctuary and a return visit after several years to Boulder Knoll

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Wingspan Game Night – Jack Swatt

Whitney Center, Cultural Arts Center 200 Leeder Hill Drive, Hamden, CT, United States

The New Haven Bird Club will once again hold free Wingspan Game Events at the Whitney Center's Cultural Arts Center, 200 Leeder Hill Drive, Hamden CT (the same room where NHBC Monthly Meetings are held). These events are for anyone who plays or is interested in learning how to play Wingspan. Friday, January 17, 2025 from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. Sunday, February 9, 2025 from noon to 3

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Indoor Meeting – Phantasms and Fallacies: Problems and Pitfalls in Bird Identification – Julian Hough

Whitney Center, Cultural Arts Center 200 Leeder Hill Drive, Hamden, CT, United States

Why is it that a large group of birders can look at one species and all of them will misidentify it? Why do certain people consistently find an inordinate number of rare birds? Why are some birders seemingly able to identify birds at great distance on brief or distant views with Ninja-like ability? These questions and many more will be

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Field Trip – The Richard English Memorial Field Trip: Lighthouse Point to the Richard English Refuge – Mike Horn

Lighthouse Point 21 Lighthouse Rd, New Haven, CT, United States

Bird the harbor shore at Lighthouse Point Park for gulls, loons, ducks, and early returning shorebirds. Then we proceed to the Richard English Bird Sanctuary at the Deer Lake Camp in Killingworth. Check with the trip leader for approximate arrival time at each location. Bring lunch and dress warmly. Meet at the Hawk Watch parking lot, Lighthouse Point Park, 2

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Field Trip – Bauer Park, Madison – Mike DiGiorgio

Bauer Park 257 Copse Road,, Madison, CT, United States

Join nationally-recognized wildlife artist and birder Mike DiGiorgio for a walk to look for resident and migrating songbirds. We'll explore the fields, gardens, and woodland trails. Birders of all ages and skill levels, including beginners, are welcome. Meet at the Community Gardens parking area, 257 Copse Road, Madison. Leader: Mike DiGiorgio,

Field Trip – Kellogg Environmental Center and Osbornedale State Park, Derby – Maria Stockmal

Kellog Environmental Center 500 Hawthorne ave, Derby, CT, United States

Osbornedale State Park offers a variety of species in its fields and forest, and around its ponds. It is always a surprise which species will be discovered as we walk through the park. We may see a flyover Bald Eagle, nesting Bluebirds, early warbler migrants, Green Heron, and Orchard Oriole, as well as Indigo Bunting, Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, and the various

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Field Trip – First Wednesday Walk: East Rock Park, New Haven

Eli Whitney Museum 915 Whitney Ave., Hamden, CT, United States

East Rock Park in early May is one of the best places in the state to see migrant warblers. Fifteen to twenty species are possible on a good day. Meet at the Eli Whitney Museum parking lot, 915 Whitney Avenue, Hamden. Leader: John Oshlick,, 203-584-1955.

Annual Banquet – Speaker Frank Mantlik

Amarante's Restaurant 62 Cove St, New Haven, CT, United States

New Haven Bird Club Annual Celebration Thursday, May 8, 2025 6 - 10 PM Amarante’s Sea Cliff, Grand Ballroom 62 Cove Street, New Haven, CT $45/person includes: Speaker, Dinner, Dessert, Soda/Beer/Wine/Coffee/Tea (cash bar available for other beverages) Advance Reservations Required - Deadline May 1st Speaker - Frank Mantlik Join us for our Annual Banquet which will feature Frank Mantlik as

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Field Trip – Whip-poor-will Walk in Naugatuck State Forest, Naugatuck – Jack Swatt

Naugatuck State Forest 1021 Hunters Mountain Road, Naugatuck, CT, United States

Rain date: Saturday, May 10, 2025 Jack Swatt, New Haven Bird Club Life Member and Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) volunteer Whip-poor-will monitor, will lead a walk to listen and look for Whip-poor-will at the Naugatuck State Forest. Jack will give a short talk on the status of Whip-poor-wills in the Northeast and Connecticut. We will then

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Field Trip – River Road – Travels Along a Riparian Woodland Corridor – Craig Repasz

rt 7 and 341 in kent rt 7 and 341, Kent, CT, United States

River Road in Kent along the Housatonic River provides a major north-south riparian corridor for spring migration. River Road has produced a nice variety of Northwestern Connecticut nesting species including Acadian and Least Flycatchers; Yellow-throated and Blue-headed Vireos; Winter Wren; and Cerulean, Golden-winged, and Worm-eating Warblers. The vast uninterrupted forest rising from the river is an ideal location for a

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Field Trip – Big Day Marathon – John Oshlick

Eli Whitney Museum 915 Whitney Ave., Hamden, CT, United States

Take part in all or part of this event. We’ll focus on New Haven area hotspots, seeking 100–130 species. We start at East Rock and search several other local migrant traps, as well as the coast from Lordship to Hammonasset. The Big day could potentially involve several miles of walking on more strenuous terrain. Meet at the Eli Whitney Museum

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Field Trip – Hartman Park, Lyme – John Oshlick

the Branford commuter lot, Exit 55 off I-95. 342 East Main Street, Branford, CT, United States

Hartman Park is known for its breeding population of Cerulean Warbler. There is also a power cut which may have Prairie, Blue-winged, Magnolia and other warblers. Both Cuckoos have been seen here as well. The Hartman Park walk involves a moderate distance walk on moderately strenuous terrain. Meet at the commuter parking lot, Exit 55 off I-95. Leader: John Oshlick,

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Field Trip – Sleeping Giant State Park – Jim Sirch, Craig Repasz, DeWitt Allen

Sleeping Giant 200 Mount Carmel Ave, Hamden, CT, United States

Sleeping Giant dominates the landscape north of New Haven. The park hosts diverse habitats: riparian woods, rivers and streams, stands of white pines, mature deciduous forests, and cliffs and meadow edge. Although it is famous for its ankle-twisting and heart-pumping terrain, we will bird along the uphill but (mostly) smooth-surfaced Tower Path. As we move slowly along the Path, we

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Field Trip – Naugatuck State Forest, Naugatuck – Chris Loscalzo

Rt 8 exit 25 commuter parking lot 245 Cross Street, Naugatuck, CT, United States

Join us at the peak of spring migration on this moderately strenuous hike in a fine birding location. We’ll search for migrants and residents. We often see more than 15 species of warblers on this trip, including resident Hooded, Chestnut-sided, Prairie, and Worm-eating Warblers. Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, Scarlet Tanagers, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, and many other birds are residents here, too.

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Field Trip – Lake Chamberlain, Bethany – Pat Leahy

Lake Chamberlain Recreation Area corner of sperry rd and morris rd, Bethany, CT, United States

Join Pat Leahy for a walk on Regional Water Authority property in Bethany. Pat has been maintaining a bluebird trail on several of the properties there. Bluebirds, swallows, and spring migrants are plentiful. Walking is not strenuous and on well-maintained trails. Meet at Lake Chamberlain Regional Water Authority parking area on Sperry Road, south of Morris Road, Bethany. Leader: Pat

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Field Trip – Julius M. Hansen Park, North Haven – Craig Repasz and DeWitt Allen

Julius M. Hansen Park 53 Patten road, North Haven, United States

Rich meadows and fields, forested wetlands, trap rock ridge, and riparian woods host breeding populations of sparrows and warblers, woodpeckers, hawks, Baltimore Orioles, Rose-breasted Grossbeaks, Indigo Buntings, and other field and woodland birds. Other migrating species are possible. Meet at the Hansen Park parking lot down a driveway just east of 52 Patten Road, North Haven. Leaders: Craig Repasz,,

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Field Trip – Barn Island Wildlife Management Area, Stonington – Chris Loscalzo

the Branford commuter lot, Exit 55 off I-95. 342 East Main Street, Branford, CT, United States

Barn Island WMA is a large expanse of varied habitat along the Connecticut shore near the Rhode Island border, including large tracts of salt marsh, deciduous woodlands and a large brushy field. We’ll see 60+ species of birds, with notable resident species including White-eyed and Yellow-throated Vireo, Saltmarsh Sparrow and Willow Flycatcher likely to be seen. This is a good spot to

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Field Trip – Lake Watrous, Woodbridge – Pat Leahy

Lake Bethany 179 hatfield hill road, Bethany, ct

Join Pat Leahy for a walk on protected Regional Water Authority property in Woodbridge. Views of the lake and dam, some wetlands and lakeside forest. The trip will be a 3 mile hike on a flat trail. Meet at Lake Bethany Regional Water Authority parking area on Hatfield Hill Road, Bethany. We will carpool to Lake Watrous from there. Leader:

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Field Trip – Chippens Hill Grassland Birds, Bristol – Jack Swatt

Roberts Field parking area 400 Perkins Street, Bristol, CT

The Chippens Hill area of Bristol has historically been farmland. The Environmental Learning Centers of Connecticut and the city of Bristol are working to save some of the habitat where Bobolinks, Meadowlarks, and Grasshopper Sparrows have been found. Join Jack Swatt for a tour of these areas in search of these declining species. Bring plenty of water and be prepared to walk

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Field Trip – First Wednesday Walk: Mohawk Mountain State Park – Greg Hanisek

Mohawk Mountain State Park mohawk mountain state park, cornwall, CT, United States

Greg Hanisek, one of the best birders in the state, will lead the walk in this scenic and spacious forest in the northern part of the state. Nesting species here include Blue-headed Vireo, Hermit Thrush, Canada Warbler, and Black-throated Blue Warbler. Meet at the entrance to Mohawk Mountain State Park on Route 4 in Cornwall, four miles west of Goshen.

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New Haven Summer Bird Count

A wonderful opportunity to work on your song identification skills and see what birds are nesting in your area. For the names of area captains, to join a team, and for other information, contact Steve Mayo. Meet at various points. Coordinator: Steve Mayo,, 203-772-9842.