Field Trips and Meetings
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Indoor Meeting – Environmental Justice through Bird Watching and Music-Making – Diego Soto (Virtual only)

Virtual Meeting

**This virtual-only meeting will start at 7p.m.** Historically redlined neighborhoods are the most undersampled urban areas for bird biodiversity today, a fact which can impact conservation priorities and further urban environmental inequities. Diego Ellis Soto’s research in this area goes beyond the traditional extent of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines and takes a look into the role humans

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Wingspan Game Night – Jack Swatt

Whitney Center, Cultural Arts Center 200 Leeder Hill Drive, Hamden, CT, United States

The New Haven Bird Club will once again hold free Wingspan Game Events at the Whitney Center's Cultural Arts Center, 200 Leeder Hill Drive, Hamden CT (the same room where NHBC Monthly Meetings are held). These events are for anyone who plays or is interested in learning how to play Wingspan. Friday, January 17, 2025 from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. Sunday, February 9, 2025 from noon to 3

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Indoor Meeting – Phantasms and Fallacies: Problems and Pitfalls in Bird Identification – Julian Hough

Whitney Center, Cultural Arts Center 200 Leeder Hill Drive, Hamden, CT, United States

Why is it that a large group of birders can look at one species and all of them will misidentify it? Why do certain people consistently find an inordinate number of rare birds? Why are some birders seemingly able to identify birds at great distance on brief or distant views with Ninja-like ability? These questions and many more will be

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Annual Banquet – Speaker Frank Mantlik

Amarante's Restaurant 62 Cove St, New Haven, CT, United States

Don’t miss this festive event! Watch for emails and check the NHBC Newsletter and website for information on how to make reservations and for other details. Speaker – Frank Mantlik Join us for our Annual Banquet which will feature Frank Mantlik as speaker. Frank’s lifelong passion for birding has greatly enriched our Club and the local birding community. His popular

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