Field Trips and Meetings
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Field Trip – First Wednesday Walk – Hammonasset Beach State Park, Madison – Jerry Connolly

Shoreline Greenway Trail Eastern Trailhead Parking Lot - Hammo Shoreline Greenway Trail Eastern Trailhead Parking Lot, Madison, CT, United States

Note: moved to Thursday Dec 8 due to Wednesday's bad weather forecast. Any time of year, Hammonasset is a true gem. Enjoy a mid-week trip to explore this birding hotspot for fall migrants. The varied habitat attracts shorebirds, waterfowl, raptors, and songbirds.  Leader Jerry Connolly, email,  phone h.203-421-4128, c.203-710-2011

Field Trip – First Wednesday Walk: Harkness State Park, Waterford – Tina Green

Harkness Memorial State Park 275 Great Neck rd., Waterford, CT, United States

Today we’ll explore this beautiful coastline park. It has ponds, fields, shrubs—and lots of shoreline. We will look for raptors, loons, grebes, all three scoters, Eiders (King Eider has been seen here), Bufflehead, and Goldeneye. Snow Bunting and Horned Lark are likely too.  Leader: Tina Green, email, phone c.203-247-2660

Field Trip – Milford Hotspots in Winter – Frank Mantlik

Milford Commuter Lot exit 35 111 Schoolhouse rd, Milford, CT, United States

We’ll look for waterfowl, birds of prey, and winter passerines as we visit Milford hotspots that will likely include Milford Point, Mondo Ponds, and Caswell Cove. Dress warmly and plan to carpool The trip ends by noon. Inclement weather will probably cancel the trip. Check with the leader if you have weather concerns.  Meet at the commuter lot off Exit

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Field Trip: Hammonasset Beach State Park – Paul Wolter

Hammonesset Beach State Park - Meigs Point Meigs Point Nature Center, Madison, CT, United States

Join us as we visit this premier CT birding location for a mid-winter excursion. We’ll be looking for sea ducks, shorebirds, grassland species and winter finches as we check several areas in the park, including the campgrounds. We will meet at the Nature Center parking lot.  Leader:  Paul Wolter, email -, phone 860-681-5548

Field Trip: First Wednesday Walk: Hammonasset Beach State Park – Steve Broker

Shoreline Greenway Trail Eastern Trailhead Parking Lot - Hammo Shoreline Greenway Trail Eastern Trailhead Parking Lot, Madison, CT, United States

Please Note Date and Leader Change!!  Changed to Thursday!!! Enjoy a mid-week field trip to Hammonasset Beach State Park, one of the state’s best birding locations in any season of the year. We will look for sea ducks, grassland species, and rarities.  Meet at the parking area just left (east) of main entrance road. Leader - Steve Broker, 203-747-2806

Field Trip – Sachuest Point NWR and Rhode Island Coast – Chris Loscalzo

the Branford commuter lot, Exit 55 off I-95. 342 East Main Street, Branford, CT, United States

(Snow date, Sunday, February 26, 2017) This all-day trip includes stops at Sachuest Point NWR, Beavertail State Park, Moonstone Beach, Trustum Pond, and other great birding sites on the RI coast. We will see lots of sea ducks including all three scoter species, Common Eider, and Harlequin Duck. We’ll look for birds of prey, including Rough-legged Hawk and several owl

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Field Trip – First Wednesday Walk: Stratford Shore & Great Meadows – Frank Mantlik

Dunkin Donuts - Frash Pond, Stratford 60 access road, Stratford, CT, United States

Join us on a visit to this excellent birding area. We’ll look for oceanic birds such as Long-tailed Duck and scoters, as well as raptors and shorebirds. Meet at the Dunkin Donuts parking lot at 60 Access Rd., Stratford, near the intersection with Main St. (Rt. 113). We carpool from there. Leader: Frank Mantlik, 203-984-9410 or

Field Trip – Gull and Gannet Frenzy, Southport Beach, Southport , Frank Mantlik

Southport Beach 1505 Pequot Ave., Fairfield, United States

Cancelled due to bad weather   Today we will search for plankton-feeding flocks of gulls, including the rare Little and Black-headed Gulls. We’ll also hope to see Northern Gannets plunge-feeding offshore. Wear waterproof shoes for walking on the tidal mudflats, and dress warmly. We may also carpool to nearby sites. Meet at Southport Beach, 1505 Pequot Ave., Southport, located at

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Field Trip – First Wednesday Walk: CT Audubon Coastal Center, Milford, Stephen Spector

Milford Point 1 Milford Point Road, Milford, CT, United States

Enjoy an early spring trip to one of the best local birding spots. We look out into the marsh and along the shore for waterfowl, shorebirds, waders, and raptors. Meet at the Coastal Center parking lot, 1 Milford Point Rd, Milford. Leader: Stephen Spector, 203-876-7461 (home), 203-928-8089 (cell), or

Field Trip – East Rock Birding and Trail Maintenance, New Haven, Dan Barvir

Eli Whitney Museum 915 Whitney Ave., Hamden, CT, United States

Meet for a bird walk from 8–9:30 am. Then join Park Ranger Dan Barvir to help with light trail maintenance along the river until noon. Bring work gloves & pruning shears if you have them. Meet at the Eli Whitney Museum parking lot, 915 Whitney Ave., Hamden. Leader: Dan Barvir, 203-946-6086 or

Field Trip -Lighthouse Point to the Richard English Bird Sanctuary The Richard English Memorial Fieldtrip, Mike Horn

Lighthouse Point 21 Lighthouse Rd, New Haven, CT, United States

We start at Lighthouse Point Park and bird the harbor shore for gulls, loons, ducks, and early-returning shorebirds. We then proceed to the Richard English Bird Sanctuary at the Deer Lake Scout Camp in Killingworth. We then proceed to Hammonasset Beach State Park. This is an all-day trip; bring lunch and dress warmly. This trip almost always has a high

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Haddam Meadows Invasive Clean up

Haddam Meadows State Park 1 Island Dock rd, Haddam, CT, United States

Our first spring invasive plant cleanup will be held on Saturday, April 8, 9:00 am-12:00 noon at Haddam Meadows State Park.  Rain Date is Saturday, April 22. We will remove oriental bittersweet and other invasives and pick up litter. Adults and youth under 16 years of age accompanied by an adult, are invited to participate. Meet at the boat launch.

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Conservation Activity – East Rock Garlic Mustard Pull, Craig Repasz

Eli Whitney Museum 915 Whitney Ave., Hamden, CT, United States

Take part in a crucial conservation project. Help remove garlic mustard from East Rock Park, an Important Bird Area that is a vital migratory bird stopover and breeding habitat. This invasive plant is a pernicious, prolific pest that can overrun forested areas, squeeze out native spring flowers, kill butterfly caterpillars, and alter the habitat of our native birds. In three

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Field Trip – Lake Chamberlain, Bethany , Bill Batsford

Lake Chamberlain Recreation Area corner of sperry rd and morris rd, Bethany, CT, United States

Cancelled due to inclement weather, better luck next year.   Join Past NHBC President Bill Batsford to check out this excellent birding area. Lake Chamberlain, a Regional Water Authority property, is surrounded by coniferous forest and also has open fields and thickets. Early spring migrants likely to be seen are Palm and Pine Warblers, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Blue-headed Vireo, and Eastern

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Field Trip – Birding by Ear at Lufberry Memorial Park, Corrie Folsom-O’Keefe

Lufberry Memorial Park lufberry Memorial Park Road, Wallingford, CT, United States

Ever wanted to learn to bird by ear? On this walk, we will learn mnemonics for about 25 common bird species and look for early spring migrants at Lufberry Memorial Park, a wooded path located on a ridge above the Quinnipiac River. From "tree hugger, tree hugger, tree" to "drink your tea," you will learn a number of silly phrases

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Field Trip – Ansonia Nature Center, Ansonia – Maria Stockmal

Ansonia Nature Center 10 Deerfield Ave, Ansonia, CT, United States

Enjoy a walk at this great birding location. The nature center has a small pond, grassy fields, thickets, wetlands, and woods. The woods have had Northern Goshawk and Great Horned Owls nesting there, and there often are surprises. Meet at the Nature Center parking lot, 10 Deerfield Lane, Ansonia. Leader: Maria Stockmal, 203-305-3728 or

Field Trip – Birdwalk for Families at East Rock Park, New Haven – Flo McBride

Eli Whitney Museum 915 Whitney Ave., Hamden, CT, United States

On this walk by the park's Mill River, children with accompanying adults are invited to help us look for warblers and other spring migrants. Other interested adults are also welcome to join the walk in this famous spring birding place. Bring binoculars and a field guide if you have them. Meet at the Eli Whitney Museum parking lot, 915 Whitney

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Field Trip – First Wednesday walk at East Rock, New Haven – Jerry Connolly

Eli Whitney Museum 915 Whitney Ave., Hamden, CT, United States

East Rock Park in early May is one of the best places in the state to see migrant warblers. Fifteen to twenty species are possible on a good day. Meet at 915 Whitney Ave., Hamden. Leaders: Jerry Connolly 203-421-4128 (home), 203-710-2011 (cell), or; John Oshlick, 203-584-1955 or; Bill Batsford, 203-787-1542 (home), 203-494-4325 (cell), or

Field Trip – East Rock Park with Ranger Dan, New Haven – Dan Barvir

East Rock Park - English Drive Rice Field, New Haven, CT, United States

Join Ranger Dan Barvir at this premier site for warblers and other spring migrants. Meet at the Rice Field (baseball field) end of East Rock Park on English Drive. Leader: Dan Barvir, 203-946-6086 or

Field Trip – Housatonic River – Kent, CT – Renee Baade

rt 7 & Bulls Bridge Rd, South Kent 312 Kent Road, South Kent, CT, United States

Today we enjoy the riparian woodlands along the Housatonic in Kent, CT. We meet at the parking area on the southwest corner of Bull’s Bridge Rd and Rt. 7 (Kent Rd.) south of Kent. We carpool from there, paralleling the Housatonic via Schaticoke Rd and Skiff Mountain Rd to River Rd, listening and looking for spring migrants. The area is

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Field Trip – Bent of the River Wildlife Sanctuary, Southbury – Roy Harvey

Bent of the River 185 E. Flat Hill Rd, Southbury, CT, United States

Explore a prime birding location along the Pomperaug River in Southbury where more than 100 species of birds have been observed in a single day. This beautiful and highly diverse habitat is owned and maintained by the National Audubon Society. The trip involves moderately strenuous hiking. Meet at 85 E Flat Hill Rd, Southbury, CT. Take Exit 14 off Rt.

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Field Trip – Hartman Park, Lyme – John Oshlick

the Branford commuter lot, Exit 55 off I-95. 342 East Main Street, Branford, CT, United States

Hartman Park is known for its breeding population of Cerulean Warbler. There is also a power cut which may have Prairie, Blue-winged, Magnolia, and other warblers. Both Cuckoos have been seen here as well. Meet at I-95; exit 55 commuter lot. Leader: John Oshlick, 203-584-1955 or

Field Trip – Big Day Marathon Greater New Haven Area – John Oshlick

Eli Whitney Museum 915 Whitney Ave., Hamden, CT, United States

Take part in all or part of this event. We’ll focus on New Haven area hotspots, seeking 100–130 species. We start at East Rock and search several other local migrant traps, as well as the coast from Lordship to Hammonasset. Meet at the Eli Whitney Museum parking lot, 915 Whitney Avenue, Hamden. Leader: John Oshlick, 203-584-1955 or

Field Trip – West Rock Ridge State Park, New Haven/Hamden/Woodbridge/Bethany – Steve Broker

West Rock Ridge Nature Center 1110 Wintergreen Ave, Hamden, CT, United States

Less well known as a hotspot for spring migrants and nesting species than is East Rock, West Rock is, in fact, one of the premier places in Connecticut to observe and study birds at this time of year. Lacking the closely associated lake, river, slope, and ridge top environs seen at East Rock, West Rock is far more spread out:

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Field Trip – Janie Pierce Park, Southbury / Earth Tones Native Plant Nursery – Renee Baade

commuter lot rt 84 exit 14 Southbury 921 Main Street South, Southbury, CT, United States

Kept in its natural state, Janie Pierce Park is approx. 60 acres of scenic woodland that surround Transylvania Pond located in Southbury. We will hike around the Transylvania Lake there. It is a fairly easy walk, less than 2 miles, but know that it is mainly a boardwalk and tree root trail. Afterwards we will drive to Earth Tones, a

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Field Trip – Barn Island Wildlife Management Area, Stonington – Carolyn Cimino

the Branford commuter lot, Exit 55 off I-95. 342 East Main Street, Branford, CT, United States

This will be our thirteenth annual trip to this excellent birding spot. We’ll meet at the commuter lot at Exit 55 of I-95 and carpool to Barn Island. The area consists of large expanses of salt marsh, tidal pools, wetlands, woodlands, and open fields.  We should see wading birds, shorebirds, and area residents such as Saltmarsh Sparrow, Marsh Wren, White-eyed

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Field Trip – Bluebirds and Swallows at Lake Chamberlain, Bethany/Woodbridge – Pat Leahy

Lake Chamberlain Recreation Area corner of sperry rd and morris rd, Bethany, CT, United States

For a number of years, members of the New Haven Bird Club have maintained about 50 nest boxes on Regional Water Authority properties in Bethany and Woodbridge. Join Pat Leahy, Dewitt Allen, and Mike Ferrari on Saturday, May 20 from 9–11 am to view activity in the bluebird and tree swallow boxes on Lake Chamberlain. We will explain how we

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Field Trip – Naugatuck State Forest, Naugatuck – Chris Loscalzo

Rt 8 exit 25 commuter parking lot 245 Cross Street, Naugatuck, CT, United States

Note: this trip has been rescheduled from 5/14 to 5/21 Join us at the peak of spring migration on this moderately strenuous and long hike in a fine birding location. We’ll search for migrants and residents. We often see more than fifteen species of warblers on this trip, including resident Hooded, Chestnut-sided, Prairie, and Worm-eating Warblers. Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, Scarlet Tanagers,

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Field Trip – Durham Meadows & Coginchaug River, Durham – Steve Broker

Durham Skating Pond 81 Wallingford Rd, Durham, CT, United States

We explore this pristine freshwater marsh and riverine system at four different access points and for target species: (1) Durham Skating Pond, Route 68 (Virginia Rail, Swamp Sparrow, American Kestrel); (2) Frederick White Farm, Durham Fairgrounds vicinity off Maple Street (Bobolink, Eastern Meadowlark, Savannah Sparrow, Spotted Sandpiper); (3) south Durham Meadows, Route 17 (Virginia Rail, Willow Flycatcher); (4) Coginchaug River,

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Field Trip – Kellogg Environmental Center/Osbornedale St. Park, Derby – Maria Stockmal

Kellog Environmental Center 500 Hawthorne ave, Derby, CT, United States

Join us on a visit to this excellent birding location where we look for late spring migrants and early nesting species. The center and park have open fields, woods, ponds, and streams. Meet at 500 Hawthorne Avenue, Derby. Leader: Maria Stockmal, 203-488-3876 or

Field Trip – Whip-poor-will Walk in Naugatuck State Forest, Naugatuck – Jack Swatt

Naugatuck State Forest 1021 Hunters Mountain Road, Naugatuck, CT, United States

Jack Swatt, New Haven Bird Club member and DEEP volunteer Whip-poor-will monitor, will lead a walk to listen and look for Whip-poor-will at the Naugatuck State Forest. Jack will give a short talk on the status of Whip-poor-wills in the northeast and Connecticut. We will then wait for dusk to fall while we listen for the distinctive call. A sighting?

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Field Trip – Bent of the River, Southbury – Managing for Forest and Shrubland Birds – Corrie Folsom-O’Keefe

Bent of the River 185 E. Flat Hill Rd, Southbury, CT, United States

On this trip we will look for shrubland and forest nesting birds at the Bent of the River Audubon Sanctuary. At this Important Bird Area, approximately 100 acres of fields are managed for shrubland nesting birds, including Blue-winged Warbler, Indigo Bunting, and Prairie Warbler. The IBA also includes roughly 600 acres of forest and supports species such as Scarlet Tanager,

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Field Trip – National Trails Day Hike at Naugatuck State Forest – Craig Repasz

Quinnipiac Trailhead, Mt Sanford 2705 Downs Road, Hamden, CT, United States

National Trails Day is celebrated across the country with hikes, trail work, and naturalist events. NHBC will commemorate the day with a birding hike on the oldest hiking trail in CT, the Quinnipiac Trail in the Mt. Sanford Block of Naugatuck SF. We’ll leave from the trail head parking area entrance of Naugatuck SF, 2705 Downs Rd., Hamden, and go

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Field Trip – First Wednesday Walk, White Memorial Foundation, Litchfield – Greg Hanisek

White Memorial Foundation 80 Whitehall Road, Litchfield, CT, United States

The White Memorial Foundation is a 4,000-acre nature preserve with extensive woodlands, conifer plantations, wetlands, thickets, and fields. The preserve is home to more than 115 breeding species and is visited by many migrant species. Notable breeding species include: Least Bittern, Virginia Rail, Northern Goshawk, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Brown Creeper, Winter Wren, and Blackburnian Warbler. Meet at the visitor center parking

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Shorebirds and Terns at Milford Point – Frank Mantlik

Milford Point 1 Milford Point Road, Milford, CT, United States

This will be a trip to study shorebirds and terns, which should be here in concentrations now. We will walk out on the sand flats at mid-tide, then see the numbers of birds build as the tide rises. Wear waterproof shoes or sandals, and apply sunscreen. We'll finish by 3 PM. cell - 203-984-9410  

Lighthouse Point Park Bird Walk / Prep for Migration Festival – Dan Barvir

Lighthouse Point 21 Lighthouse Rd, New Haven, CT, United States

Join Park Ranger Dan Barvir on a late summer bird walk at Lighthouse Point Park on New Haven Harbor. Then, beginning around 9:30 AM, we’ll perform some light trail maintenance and cleanup. This is a great way to enjoy looking at birds and at the same time help preserve their habitat phone - 203-946-6086

Happenings at Long Wharf Nature Preserve and Urban Oasis Demonstration Site – Deborah Johnson

Long Wharf 351 Long Wharf Drive, New Haven, United States

This event is organized with the New Haven Land Trust, Save the Sound, and Audubon Connecticut. An environmentally-focused family-friendly morning learning about the Urban Oases projects in New Haven, the work of the Land Trust on this piece of “disturbed” but “recovered” land in the heart of downtown New Haven, and, of course, a bird walk. We hope to see

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First Wednesday Walk: CT Audubon Coastal Center, Milford – Kathy Van Der Aue

Milford Point 1 Milford Point Road, Milford, CT, United States

Moved to Sept 7, Thursday due to thunderstorm prediction.  Time moved to 9:00 am Join us as we look for shorebirds and terns at this excellent local birding location. We should also find raptors, waterfowl, long-legged waders, and migrating passerines. Ten or more species of shorebirds are possible, including American Golden Plover. Rain will cancel the day out. Kathy Van

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Yale University Golf Course – Bill Batsford

Yale Golf Course the course at yale, New Haven, CT, United States

The golf course is located on more than 700 acres, with woods and ponds surrounding the course. It’s a great place to see birds year-round. We’ll be visiting the course when there are no golfers, so we’ll be able to walk the cart paths and wooded trails without being disturbed or disturbing others. We’ll be looking for fall migrants such

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Lighthouse Point Park Migration Festival, New Haven

Lighthouse Point 21 Lighthouse Rd, New Haven, CT, United States

Lighthouse Point Park Migration Festival Celebrating Birds, Butterflies & Dragonflies Sunday, September 17, 2017 8:00 am to 3:00 pm (No Rain Date) A suggested donation of $5.00 per car is requested to help fund next year’s event Come celebrate the spectacle and mystery of migration at one of the best places to see migrating wild hawks in New England! Lighthouse

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Farm River Birds & Botany, East Haven – Charles Strasser

Farm River State Park 96-98 Hoop Pole Lane, East Haven, CT, United States

Diversity Database will be presented. This is one of the smallest State Parks in Connecticut, and we’ll walk short distances to see the birds and the plants. Walk led by Mike Horn, Friend of the Farm River Estuary. Meet 9 AM at the entrance; 2 hours. Bring a folding chair or sit-upon. 908-328-5563

Edgewood Park, New Haven – Corrie Folsom-O’Keefe

Edgewood Park 361 West Rock Ave, New Haven, CT, United States

Edgewood Park and West River Memorial Park make up an Important Bird Area and include a 2 mile section of the West River. These parks look particularly “hot” on the radar maps for New Haven that show areas most used by birds in fall migration.  We will see what we can find! The walk is open to birders of all

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Kellogg Environmental Center/Osbornedale St. Park – Maria Stockmal

Kellog Environmental Center 500 Hawthorne ave, Derby, CT, United States

Here’s a chance to visit an outstanding birding spot that boasts a variety of habitats—open fields, woodlands, and ponds. We’ll look for fall migrants, including warblers, sparrows, flycatchers, and vireos. 203-305-3728  

Hammonasset Beach State Park, Madison – Flo McBride

Shoreline Greenway Trail Eastern Trailhead Parking Lot - Hammo Shoreline Greenway Trail Eastern Trailhead Parking Lot, Madison, CT, United States

Visit one of our state’s best fall birding spots, where the abundance of some migrants and sightings of less common species can make for a truly memorable trip. The walking is easy, all on level ground. Meet outside the park at the new parking lot on the Post Rd. New Directions: Take Exit 61 off I-95 (the usual Hammonasset exit).

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Lake Chamberlain; Cooper and Calebresi Farms – Pat Leahy

Lake Chamberlain Recreation Area corner of sperry rd and morris rd, Bethany, CT, United States

Join a fall walk to see what can be found at these picturesque locations. Lake Chamberlain, a Regional Water Authority property, has an active bluebird population, many woodpeckers, and a number of waterfowl that visit the lake before heading further south when the lake freezes over. The walk at Lake Chamberlain is relatively easy. After birding the RWA property, we

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Branford Supply Ponds, Branford – Maria Stockmal

Branford Supply Ponds Branford Supply ponds, Branford, CT, United States

Visit this first-rate birding spot to look for fall migrants and resident species. The area has varied habitats with woods, shrubby areas and a powercut. A variety of waterfowl can be found in the ponds. 203-305-3728

Cheshire Hotspots – Steve Broker

boulder knoll farm 875 boulder road, cheshire, CT, United States

We bird several hotspots in the Town of Cheshire, including Boulder Knoll, Broad Brook Reservoir and associated trails, Fresh Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary (Cheshire Land Trust), and the Farmington Canal Lock 12. Boulder Knoll is good for sparrows in fall. Broad Brook reservoir annually hosts 200-400 Ruddy Ducks, one of the highest concentrations of this diving duck in the state. Fresh

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Fargeorge Wildlife Preserve; joint trip with the New Haven Land Trust – Mike Horn

Fargeorge Preserve 1040 Quinnipiac ave, New Haven, CT, United States

Quinnipiac Meadows/Eugene B. Fargeorge Preserve is always full of surprises. We have had everything from Woodcock to Eagles to Snow Geese, lots of fall migrants, wintering ducks, and more. It is a varied habitat with excellent views of the lower Quinnipiac River. 203-288-1891

First Wednesday Walk: Sherwood Island State Park, Westport – Tina Green

Sherwood Island State Park 390 Sherwood Island Connector, Main parking lot, Westport, CT, United States

This walk has been moved to Nov 8 due to tree damage from the weekend storm. Join a midweek trip to this outstanding Long Island Sound birding spot. We check for loons, grebes, goldeneye, and other sea ducks. The fields are a good place to look for Snow Buntings, Horned Larks, and sparrows. Meet at Sherwood Island State Park: take

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First Wednesday Walk: Hammonasset Beach State Park, Madison – Jerry Connolly

Shoreline Greenway Trail Eastern Trailhead Parking Lot - Hammo Shoreline Greenway Trail Eastern Trailhead Parking Lot, Madison, CT, United States

At any time of year, Hammonasset is a true gem. Enjoy a mid-week trip to explore this birding hotspot for fall migrants. The varied habitat attracts shorebirds, waterfowl, raptors, and songbirds. 203-421-4128 203-710-2011