Field Trips and Meetings
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Big Day Marathon – John Oshlick

Eli Whitney Museum 915 Whitney Ave., Hamden

Take part in all or part of this event. We’ll focus on New Haven area hotspots, seeking 100-130 species. We start at East Rock and search several other local migrant traps, as well as the coast from Lordship to Hammonasset.  cell - 203-584-1955  

Field Trip – River Road, Kent “Travels Along a ‘Riparian Woodland Corridor’” – Steve Broker

rt 7 and 341 in kent rt 7 and 341, Kent

NOTE: THIS IS A DATE CHANGE FROM THE YEARBOOK.  MAY 19 CHANGED TO MAY 11 The New Haven Bird Club traveled to River Road in May 1991 and documented the first nesting of Yellow-throated Warbler in Connecticut. Subsequent NHBC trips to River Road have produced a nice variety of Northwestern Connecticut nesting species. We return this year to River Road

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