Field Trips and Meetings
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The Outer Cape (Eastham, Wellfleet, Truro, and Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts)

This weekend of birding and fellowship is being made available to 15 club members by advance registration.  Late spring birding on the Outer Cape always is productive.  Our birding localities during the three-day period include Fort Hill (Eastham), Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary/Massachusetts Audubon Society, Wellfleet Harbor, the Herring River and Herring River Estuary, the kettle ponds and the dwarf oak

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Branford Supply Ponds – Maria Stockmal

Branford Supply Ponds Branford Supply ponds, Branford

Visit this first-rate birding spot to look for fall migrants and resident species. The area has varied habitats with woods, shrubby areas and a powercut. A variety of waterfowl can be found in the ponds. Meet at Branford Supply Ponds parking lot, Chestnut Street, off Rte. 1, Branford. 203-305-3728

Pond Mountain Trust, Kent – Corrie Folsom-O’Keefe

Pond Mountain Trust, Inc. includes 796 acres of deciduous woodlands, pockets of conifers, meadows, streams, wetlands, and Fuller Pond.   The Trust is part of the Macedonia Forest Block Important Bird Area, which was identified for its importance to Cerulean Warbler, Wood Thrush, and other forest nesting birds.The trip involves moderately strenuous hiking, but is open to birders of all levels;

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