Field Trips and Meetings
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Field Trip – Bent of the River, Southbury – Managing for Forest and Shrubland Birds – Corrie Folsom-O’Keefe

Bent of the River 185 E. Flat Hill Rd, Southbury

On this trip we will look for shrubland and forest nesting birds at the Bent of the River Audubon Sanctuary. At this Important Bird Area, approximately 100 acres of fields are managed for shrubland nesting birds, including Blue-winged Warbler, Indigo Bunting, and Prairie Warbler. The IBA also includes roughly 600 acres of forest and supports species such as Scarlet Tanager,

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Field Trip – National Trails Day Hike at Naugatuck State Forest – Craig Repasz

Quinnipiac Trailhead, Mt Sanford 2705 Downs Road, Hamden

National Trails Day is celebrated across the country with hikes, trail work, and naturalist events. NHBC will commemorate the day with a birding hike on the oldest hiking trail in CT, the Quinnipiac Trail in the Mt. Sanford Block of Naugatuck SF. We’ll leave from the trail head parking area entrance of Naugatuck SF, 2705 Downs Rd., Hamden, and go

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