Field Trips and Meetings
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Field Trip – Birding by Ear at Lufberry Memorial Park, Corrie Folsom-O’Keefe

Lufberry Memorial Park lufberry Memorial Park Road, Wallingford

Ever wanted to learn to bird by ear? On this walk, we will learn mnemonics for about 25 common bird species and look for early spring migrants at Lufberry Memorial Park, a wooded path located on a ridge above the Quinnipiac River. From "tree hugger, tree hugger, tree" to "drink your tea," you will learn a number of silly phrases

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Field Trip – Ansonia Nature Center, Ansonia – Maria Stockmal

Ansonia Nature Center 10 Deerfield Ave, Ansonia

Enjoy a walk at this great birding location. The nature center has a small pond, grassy fields, thickets, wetlands, and woods. The woods have had Northern Goshawk and Great Horned Owls nesting there, and there often are surprises. Meet at the Nature Center parking lot, 10 Deerfield Lane, Ansonia. Leader: Maria Stockmal, 203-305-3728 or

Field Trip – Birdwalk for Families at East Rock Park, New Haven – Flo McBride

Eli Whitney Museum 915 Whitney Ave., Hamden

On this walk by the park's Mill River, children with accompanying adults are invited to help us look for warblers and other spring migrants. Other interested adults are also welcome to join the walk in this famous spring birding place. Bring binoculars and a field guide if you have them. Meet at the Eli Whitney Museum parking lot, 915 Whitney

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