2024 New Haven Christmas Bird Count Report!

New Haven 2024 Christmas Bird Count Report

On Saturday, December 14, 2024, 98 intrepid birders participated in the 125th annual New Haven Christmas Count. The air was cold, but it was sunny and there was little wind on count day. The weather conditions made for good birding from dawn to dusk and lots of birds were found. Waterfowl, raptors and woodpeckers were all found in good numbers and several rarities were found. These included a Eurasian Wigeon in Morris Creek at Lighthouse Point Park, a Clay-colored Sparrow in the weedy area opposite the entrance to the Sandy Point Preserve in West Haven, a Yellow-breasted Chat in Branford and two Lincoln’s Sparrows, with one in Branford and another at Maltby Lakes. Other notable sightings included a late American Oystercatcher, Northern Pintail and Shoveler, Wilson’s Snipe, Pied-billed Grebe, American Kestrel, Brown Thrasher, and Palm Warbler. A Pine Warbler was found the day before the count by Flo McBride in Hamden, but it could not be relocated on count day. And, in the category of near misses, a Black-throated Gray Warbler was observed at a feeder at a private residence in Branford the day before the count. If the property was within our count circle, the bird would have been recorded as a “count week” bird. Alas, the property was outside the count circle by about 1/10 of a mile. The final total was 121 species, which is right around our 30-year average. The most notable (and therefore disturbing) absence from our list was Sanderling, a species that has been abundant in early winter along our shores in years past but whose numbers have fallen precipitously in the last few years. This annual census gives us important information with regards to the early winter populations of the birds in our area and the changes for better and for worse of these populations over time. Sincere thanks are extended to all who participated in this year’s count and most especially to the birders who served as captains for the 14 areas that comprise the count circle.

The final results for the species observed are: Brant, 1193; Canada Goose, 5588; Mute Swan, 97; Wood Duck, 44; Northern Shoveler, 3; Gadwall, 150; EURASIAN WIGEON, 1; American Wigeon, 59; Mallard, 1026; American Black Duck, 372; Northern Pintail, 1; Green-winged Teal, 53; Ring-necked Duck, 282; Greater Scaup, 1002; Lesser Scaup, 33; Surf Scoter, 13; White-winged Scoter, 21; Black Scoter, 2; Long-tailed Duck, 282; Bufflehead, 235; Common Goldeneye, 141; Hooded Merganser, 387; Common Merganser, 53; Red-breasted Merganser, 102; Ruddy Duck, 40; Wild Turkey, 23; Pied-billed Grebe, 1; Horned Grebe, 27; Rock Pigeon, 743; Mourning Dove, 500; Clapper Rail, 3; Virginia Rail, 4; American Coot, 10; AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHER, 1; Black-bellied Plover, 13; Killdeer, 11; Ruddy Turnstone, 4; Dunlin, 109; Purple Sandpiper, 28; American Woodcock, 1; Wilson’s Snipe, 1; Ring-billed Gull, 1021; Herring Gull, 2142; Great Black-backed Gull, 21; Red-throated Loon, 17; Common Loon, 27; Great Cormorant, 10; Double-crested Cormorant, 4; Great Blue Heron, 30; Black Vulture, 45; Turkey Vulture, 48; Northern Harrier, 10; Sharp-
shinned Hawk, 5; Cooper’s Hawk, 23; Bald Eagle, 15; Red-shouldered Hawk, 36; Red-tailed Hawk, 102; Eastern Screech Owl, 28; Great Horned Owl, 9; Barred Owl, 2; Belted Kingfisher, 34; Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, 46; Red-bellied Woodpecker, 211; Downy Woodpecker, 182; Hairy Woodpecker, 55; Pileated Woodpecker, 17; Northern Flicker, 82; American Kestrel, 1; Merlin, 6; Peregrine Falcon, 3; Monk Parakeet, 17; Blue Jay, 743; American Crow, 1140; Fish Crow, 306; Crow, species, 20; Common Raven, 32; Black-capped Chickadee, 509; Tufted Titmouse, 449; Horned Lark, 26; Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 17; Golden-crowned Kinglet, 49; Red-breasted Nuthatch, 6; White-breasted Nuthatch, 233; Brown Creeper, 24; Winter Wren, 22; Marsh Wren, 2; Carolina Wren, 239; European Starling, 4470; Gray Catbird, 9; Brown Thrasher, 1; Northern Mockingbird, 120; Eastern Bluebird, 64; Hermit Thrush, 17; American Robin, 511; Cedar Waxwing, 55; House Sparrow, 843; American Pipit, 8; House Finch, 288; Purple Finch, 9; American Goldfinch, 314; Snow Bunting, 53; Chipping Sparrow, 7; CLAY-COLORED SPARROW, 1; Field Sparrow, 61; American Tree Sparrow, 101; Fox Sparrow, 30; Dark-eyed Junco, 1404; White-crowned Sparrow, 4; White-throated Sparrow, 1011; Savannah Sparrow, 18; Song Sparrow, 666; LINCOLN’S SPARROW, 2; Swamp Sparrow, 61; Eastern Towhee, 27; YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT, 1; Red-winged Blackbird, 306; Brown-headed Cowbird, 124; Rusty Blackbird, 20; Common Grackle, 2410; Palm Warbler, 2; Pine Warbler, CW; Yellow-rumped Warbler, 5; and Northern Cardinal, 395.

The 98 Participants were: Jhoni Ada, Jean Adamus, Dewitt Allen, Ross Allen, Erin Alvey, Julien Amsellem, Christin Arnini, Mark Aronson, Daniel Barvir, Ade Ben-Salahuddin, Kristen Biotowas, Will Bradley, Stephen Broker, Lauren Brown, Cheryl Cape, Michael Carpenter, Gilles Carter, Harry Coyle, Ben Croll, Lori Datlow, Michael Digioia, John Farley, Bobbie Fisher, Corrie Folsom-O’Keefe, Frank Gallo, Jackie Gaudioso, Iris Grund, Peter Grund, Luke Hendon, Sarah Hendon, Sharon Hirsch, Marsh Hlavka, Margaret Hofmeister, Michael Horn, Christine Howe, Courtney Hunter, James Hunter, Kimberly Jannarone, Deborah Johnson, Diana Johnson, Lynn Jones, Thomas Kelly, Bernice Lattanzi, Patrick Leahy, Carol Lemmon, Gary Lemmon, Kahea Levita, Cody Limber, Alex Lin-Moore, Ann Marie Lorello, Chris Loscalzo, Andrew Main, Lois Main, Alan Malina, Frank Mantlik, Leeane Marvin, Jack Matthias, Daniel May, Stephen Mayo, Florence McBride, Oliver Mesmer Jeff Meyer, Linda Meyer, Allison Middlemass, Robert Mitchell, Judy Moore, Amna Mustafa, Gina Nichol, John Oshlick, Maggie Proctor, Beverly Propen, Bill Rankin, Daryl Rathburn, Brendan Reilly, Alison Robey, Frogard Ryan, Kevin Ryan, Lee Schlesinger, James Sirch, Paul Smith, Momo Saha, Charla Spector, Steven Spector, Andy Stack, Samiyah Sutherland, Tommie Thornhill, Elizabeth Triana, John Triana, Chris Unsworth, Marianne Vahey, Lisa Wahle, Mark Wantroba, Sue Wharfe, Ryan Wirtes, Chris Woerner, Molly Zahn, and Joe Zipparo.

Everyone’s participation is much appreciated!

Chris Loscalzo, Christmas Count Compiler