Welcome to the New Haven Bird Club

We hope to provide an up-to-date resource of what's happening at the New Haven Bird Club and in the woods, fields, sky and beaches around the New Haven area. If you have any questions or suggestions, please drop us a line at ask@newhavenbirdclub.org.

Two new Wingspan events have been scheduled! Jack Swatt

The New Haven Bird Club will once again hold free Wingspan Game Events at the Whitney Center’s Cultural Arts Center, 200 Leeder Hill Drive, Hamden CT (the same room where NHBC Monthly Meetings are held). These events are for anyone who plays or is interested in learning how to play Wingspan. Due to a scheduling conflict, the Wingspan event on Friday, March 21 has been cancelled....

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The Big Sit!® 2024 Report

It has been five years since the New Haven bird club took over the administration of The Big Sit!® from Birdwatchers Digest. The event was started by the New Haven Bird Club in 1992, was soon taken over by Birdwatcher’s Digest, and grew to be the international event that it is today. We have had circles in six different...

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Meetings - All indoor programs are held on the second Thursday of the month, starting at 7 pm. There are no indoor programs in June, July, or August. When indoor programs are held virtually, each club member in our mail group will receive an email invitation and a link a few days before each program with instructions for joining the program. Members with questions about the mail group should email membership@newhavenbirdclub.org. For details on individual programs, please click on the Meetings or Calendar page above.

Field Trips

All levels of birders are invited to all field trips, and every effort is made on all trips to help beginning birders. If you are new to birding or have any special needs, please be sure to let the leader know at the start of the field trip.

For details on the field trips please see walks or calendar page which has details on all of the trips that will be offered by the NHBC in the upcoming year. More details, if required, and/or updates on these trips will be given at the indoor meetings and in the Club newsletter. You can check here too for trip information and watch for emails sent by the Club.

What’s New

What's new with birds in Greater New Haven

Want to find a bird locally?  check out ebird

What's is in New Haven area

What's in Connecticut

Birds in Words

See our latest field trip report

Announcements & Cancellations

Announcements and indoor meeting cancellation notices will be posted on the CTBirds discussion list.
To learn how to subscribe, follow this link.
Cancellations will also be posted on WTNH
(Ch. 8) and WFSB (Ch. 3)

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